Lupus nephritis – Signs and management options

Lupus nephritis – Signs and management options

The kidneys are responsible for various bodily functions, including filtering and eliminating waste products through urination. These vital organs are also susceptible to various health complications, including lupus nephritis, a type of autoimmune kidney disease that could deteriorate their condition over time. It is a disease in which the immune system attacks the body’s cells and organs. Kidney disease caused by lupus nephritis may worsen with time and lead to kidney failure. Signs of lupus nephritis The symptoms of lupus nephritis may differ from one individual to the other.  Individuals may experience swelling in the ankles, legs,  feet, and less often in the hands or face, which occurs when the body has too much fluid (edema). Some people with this type of kidney disease might suffer from high blood pressure. Other signs may include: – Blood in the urine – Foamy urine due to too much protein – High levels of creatine in the blood – Joint pain or swelling – Sudden fever without any underlying cause – Muscle pain  Other than these symptoms, some patients may also develop a red rash, usually across the nose, face, and cheeks. Treatment options An individual should note that a cure for lupus nephritis is yet to be determined.
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10 early signs of ulcerative colitis to not ignore

10 early signs of ulcerative colitis to not ignore

The digestive system performs several indispensable functions, from helping the body absorb food nutrients to filtering out waste  from the body .  That’s why any issues related to digestion should be addressed promptly.  Classified as an inflammatory bowel disease , ulcerative colitis is a health condition in which the colon’s lining becomes inflamed, with ulcers developing in this area. While ulcerative colitis may be painful and uncomfortable, detecting its early signs can help with quick recovery. Signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis Abdominal pain The large intestine becomes inflamed among people with ulcerative colitis, causing pain in the left abdomen or the rectum. If the inflammation is severe, the pain is more excruciating than that in  case  of mild inflammation. Frequent gurgling or splashing sounds from the stomach It’s normal to hear  a rumble from the belly when one is hungry, but those with ulcerative colitis may experience this symptom quite frequently.  Gurgling or splashing sounds from the stomach may mean the gastrointestinal tract is overly active. People with ulcerative colitis who have this symptom may also develop diarrhea, bloating, and other digestive problems. Fever When one has ulcerative colitis, they may develop fever as a reaction to the inflammation caused by the condition.  Those with ulcerative colitis may have a low-grade but persistent fever.  And  when such fever is accompanied by other ulcerative colitis symptoms, it may  be an indicator of  the condition.
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Top 10 ways to manage hemorrhoids

Top 10 ways to manage hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids (or piles) are swollen veins that form   inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids ). The risk of this condition increases with age as the tissues supporting the anus weaken and stretch.  This results in symptoms such as itching  or irritation, pain, discomfort, swelling around the anus, bleeding during bowel movements, or even a hemorrhoid pushing through the anal opening (called a prolapsed hemorrhoid). Managing hemorrhoids Luckily, there are several ways to prevent or treat mild hemorrhoids at home. These include- Eating high-fiber foods Eating foods high in fiber is one of the best ways to soften the stools and make them easier to pass, easing the pain and stress of hemorrhoids. Some high-fiber foods one can add to one’s meal plan include wheat bran and shredded wheat, prunes, apples, pears, corn, barley, lentils, berries, artichokes, broccoli, tomato, citrus fruits, etc.  It is also important to avoid certain foods that can worsen constipation. These include processed and sugary foods like chips, packaged snacks, full-fat dairy, candies, chocolates, soda, sports drinks, etc. Drinking lots of fluids Another way to ease constipation is to increase fluid intake. According to leading government agencies, adults should drink 12-16 cups of water daily (96-128 oz.) on average.
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7 early signs of inflammatory bowel disease

7 early signs of inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel disease is a term that describes two common disorders of the intestinal tract, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. These conditions cause inflammation in the intestines. While Crohn’s disease may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus, ulcerative colitis may affect any part of the large intestine. Several early signs indicate inflammatory bowel disease, and one should speak to a healthcare expert for immediate diagnosis and management. Pain in the stomach One might develop pain in the stomach or experience abdominal discomfort occasionally. The symptoms may surface because one’s digestive system has not agreed with certain foods or because of a stomach infection. But if these symptoms persist and continue to worsen over time, it could signal an inflammatory bowel disease flare. If left untreated, these symptoms could get worse and affect one’s daily lifestyle. One must report unusual pain in the stomach to their healthcare provider for quick diagnosis and treatment. Nausea and vomiting Sometimes, one might experience signs like nausea and vomiting after eating. While there can be various causes behind this, it could indicate the onset of inflammatory bowel disease. Crohn’s disease may lead to long-term inflammation that may cause a stricture – narrowing in the small intestine that may lead to a blockage over time.
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7 tips for choosing the right dentures

7 tips for choosing the right dentures

Dentures are artificial teeth that are used to replace missing teeth. Whether trying to manage a few missing teeth or going for a full arch replacement, selecting the right dentures is crucial. Making the right decision ensures optimal oral health, functionality, and comfort while using dentures. Choosing dentures is a collaborative process between the patients and their dentist, in which, they need to consider a variety of factors to make an informed decision. 1. Consult a dentist Speaking to a dentist is crucial when considering dentures. A qualified prosthodontist or dentist will prioritize assessing one’s oral health and then coming up with suitable treatment options. They will also be able to share the finer details about various types of dentures, their drawbacks, and their benefits. The consultation will help one determine the most suitable option that fits their budget and their requirements. 2. Compare different types of dentures Dentures come in different types, catering to unique oral health needs. A dentist can help one choose from various types of dentures—partial dentures, full dentures, and implant-supported dentures. Full dentures are meant for those who have lost their natural teeth in the upper or lower jaw arch. They are considered traditional dentures and consist of artificial teeth and a gum-colored base.
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8 signs of high blood pressure

8 signs of high blood pressure

High blood pressure (HBP), or hypertension, occurs when the  pressure in blood vessels is excessively high. While the condition is common, the lack of treatment could worsen the complication. Most people with hypertension may not experience symptoms for years, even if the pressure is very high. That’s why one must get blood pressure checked to determine the condition. In some cases, one might notice telltale signs indicating the presence of high blood pressure. Severe headaches People with high blood pressure may experience headaches because it affects the blood-brain barrier. Excessive blood pressure may result in additional pressure on the brain, leading to blood leakage from the blood vessels in the organ. The leak causes swelling, which applies further pressure on the brain, consequently triggering severe headaches. Brain fog In addition to severe headaches, an individual at risk of high blood pressure might also experience brain fog. Excessive pressure on the brain during a phase of hypertension might result in reduced or no oxygen supply to the brain. If left unchecked, the lack of proper oxygen supply could cause brain fog symptoms, including trouble focusing, forgetfulness, difficulty learning, and problems retaining memory. Dizziness An individual might feel dizzy for several reasons, including dehydration, exhaustion, or due to various health complications.
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Brain booster supplements – What they are and their benefits

Brain booster supplements – What they are and their benefits

Brain booster supplements are treatment options given to clients by healthcare professionals. Although research in neuroscience is still in the early stages, some evidence suggests that these supplements can have positive effects for users. People need to gain a deeper understanding of brain booster supplements before evaluating their pros and cons. Numerous ongoing research studies have found that the pros will likely outweigh the cons of these supplements more often than not. What are brain booster supplements? Like other nutritional foods and prescription-based health treatment options, brain booster supplements comprise several constituent components and nutrients that enable them to improve brain functionality and enhance health. Some of the components of these solutions include: Omega-3 fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids form a massive part of brain booster supplements. These acids are sourced from fatty fish, plant sources like walnuts and flaxseeds, and shellfish. These acids are critical for heart health, and their benefits help improve brain function in human beings. Arguably, the biggest plus point of these acids is their anti-inflammatory properties. These components help reduce inflammation in various parts of the body, including one’s brain, and reduce risks of brain-related issues like migraines.  Due to the myriad benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, these components are regularly featured in the best foods lists in healthcare clinics everywhere.
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6 mistakes to avoid with dental implants

6 mistakes to avoid with dental implants

Dental implants have revolutionized dentistry. They provide individuals worldwide with a permanent solution for missing teeth. Dental implants closely mimic natural teeth in both form and function. However, the success of dental implant procedures depends on various factors, including proper planning, execution, and post-operative care. While dental implants boast high success rates, there are several common mistakes that patients and dental professionals should be aware of to ensure optimal outcomes. Mistakes to avoid while getting dental implants Inadequate assessment It is critical to put in some initial planning and assessment when considering dental implants as treatment. It needs to be the initial step in the process.  When individuals fail to  get  their oral health thoroughly  assessed , it can lead to complications  down the line .  Dental implants are selected based on oral health, bone density, and patients’ overall suitability. Comprehensive examinations need to be performed to conclude the same. Dentists can ask the patients to undergo dental imaging techniques like X-rays and CT scans. These are essential for evaluating bone structure and identifying potential issues such as gum disease or inadequate bone volume. Choosing the wrong provider Selecting the right dental implant provider is paramount to the success of the treatment.
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