6 warning signs of liver cancer

6 warning signs of liver cancer

Liver cancer is one of the fastest growing, yet relatively rare, types of cancer where the cancer cells mainly originate in one’s liver. The stages can be divided into primary and secondary tumors, and which stage an individual is at depends on the extent of tumor spread. Statistical data shows it affects men more than women; the most common age group is between 55 and 64. Here are some warning signs to be aware of: What happens to one’s body? The liver is a vital organ that collects and filters blood that goes to the intestines, processes and converts nutrients into energy that builds tissues, makes a fluid that digests fat, and helps form blood clots. It detoxifies and metabolizes substances. In liver cancer, the organ’s cellular structure is compromised due to malignant or abnormal growth of cancer cells. If the size of the tumor is less than 2 cm, it is considered stage one or an early stage. In the second stage, the tumor measures up to 5cm, and anything over that is considered stage three. By stage 3, the cancer also spreads to the blood vessels, other organs, or lymph nodes. An advanced stage 4 calls for immediate action and shows the cancer spread to other vitals, including lungs or bones.
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7 early warning signs of lymphoma in children

7 early warning signs of lymphoma in children

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that develops when white blood cells called lymphocytes grow abnormally. While the disease is rare, both non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin lymphoma are the third most common cancer in children. The precise cause of lymphoma in children is yet to be determined. In the meantime, experts recommend one learns about these seven warning signs of cancerous development in children that appear in various types of lymphoma. Lumps under the skin Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) may grow in lymph nodes under the skin (on the sides of the neck, above the collar bone, groin area, or the underarm region). The enlarged nodes are usually seen or felt as lumps under the skin and are not painful. These might be noticed by the child, parent, or healthcare provider. One should note that enlarged lymph nodes are usually caused by infections rather than by NHL. Those that grow in reaction to infections are called reactive or hyperplastic nodes and are tender to the touch. Swelling or pain in the abdomen A child who develops lymphoma in the abdomen may experience pain or swelling in the region as the cancer grows and spreads. The symptoms may stem from a lymph node or organs, such as the liver or spleen, enlarging.
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Pros and cons of online therapy to consider

Pros and cons of online therapy to consider

Technological advancements have more than a handful of benefits to offer, including the possibility of teletherapy, also known as online therapy. It uses web-based applications to provide patients with the therapy and counseling they require. One can address their mental health issues and seek guidance without having to spend time commuting. Several types of therapies are available online, but before choosing, one must consider the pros and cons of the service. Advantages of online therapy sessions Efficiency There have been studies that suggest online therapy sessions may be just as effective as in-person sessions. Different types of mental health conditions were researched, and it was found that there was minimal difference in positive patient outcomes. Consequently, online therapy sessions are a preferable option to having no sessions at all. Furthermore, patients do not have to worry about any social stigma while seeking the care they need. Accessibility Online therapy sessions are more accessible than in-person sessions. People who are home-bound due to various reasons can easily schedule a session and get access to the treatment they need. Moreover, it can be more convenient to receive therapy sessions from a distant professional who would otherwise be unavailable. Convenience In most cases, online therapy sessions are more affordable and convenient for patients.
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4 signs it is time to end online therapy sessions

4 signs it is time to end online therapy sessions

A person may seek therapy for various reasons. It can help them address some issues, such as trauma, and learn coping mechanisms. Fortunately, telehealth services have made it easier to seek therapy sessions online. Usually, most people start online therapy sessions without an end date. However, there are certain situations when one needs to stop these sessions. It is important to learn about the signs indicating it’s time to end online therapy sessions. What are mental health therapy sessions? Mental health therapy sessions involve counseling or talk therapy. Across multiple sessions, a trained therapist listens and helps to find ways to manage emotional issues. They provide tools and methods to cope with mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Sometimes, therapy sessions are also recommended to manage difficult life events such as bereavement, work-related stress, or relationship breakdown. The sessions can last a few weeks, months, or even years. However, there can be signs that it’s time to end the therapy sessions earlier than anticipated. Signs that indicate it’s time to stop online therapy sessions Here are a few signs that indicate it is time to stop online therapy sessions: 1. There is a feeling of boredom Often, people continue their online therapy sessions because they feel familiar and comfortable, even though they stop having any positive impact on their personal growth.
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8 ways to boost testosterone levels

8 ways to boost testosterone levels

Testosterone is a hormone produced mainly in the testicles and ovaries. These hormones play a crucial role in one’s overall health, including muscle mass, bone density, and more. But as people age, testosterone levels in the body decline, causing various health problems. While healthcare treatments exist to manage this issue, some natural remedies and certain lifestyle changes like regular exercise and following a nutritious meal plan can help reverse the process or slow it down. Eating nutritious meals Studies suggest that a Mediterranean meal plan can spike testosterone levels. Some of the foods one can consider including in one’s daily meals are- Fruits and vegetables Lean protein Healthy fats Whole grains Dairy products in moderate quantities Besides improving testosterone levels, this meal plan also reduces the probability of heart disease. Regular exercise Besides its various health benefits, exercise also helps boost testosterone levels. So, start an exercise regimen to maintain healthy body composition and improve testosterone levels. When working out, people should make time for strength training and cardio. Cardio can help burn calories. Muscle training boosts metabolism, which helps burn calories even when not exercising. Together, these workouts help rebuild some muscle mass lost due to low testosterone levels.
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9 questions to ask when consulting an ophthalmologist

9 questions to ask when consulting an ophthalmologist

Ophthalmologists are medical experts who are trained in the study and treatment of conditions that affect the eyes.  They are qualified to provide comprehensive eye care, that is, vision services, eye exams, medical and surgical care, diagnosis and treatment of disease, and other eye-related complications. Visiting the ophthalmologist can be an overwhelming experience for some people. Having a list of questions handy for one’s ophthalmologist can help make the consultation easier. What tests will be performed? Learning about the procedures can help one feel more comfortable during their appointment and treatment. Ask the doctor about the instruments they will use and why certain tests are being carried out. Proper answers to these questions will help one feel more confident and make well-informed decisions. What do the results mean? Understanding the results of medical tests can feel quite difficult. So, one must always ask their doctor to break them down. After understanding these results, it becomes easier to plan the next course of treatment. Are follow-up visits required? When it comes to  eye issues, many people skip going for follow-up sessions. But this can be extremely risky.  Eyes  being  among the most sensitive organs, one must strive to achieve the best possible care for them.
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6 signs one needs dental implants

6 signs one needs dental implants

Dental implants are a common long-term solution for missing teeth and even other dental issues, like injuries and aging-related bone loss, which can damage or weaken teeth. The implants are designed to look and work just like natural teeth so that they can easily replace damaged or missing teeth and even help restore tooth function. Dental implants also keep the jaw bone intact and help with tasks like eating and speaking. 1. Missing teeth One may lose teeth due to injury, poor dental hygiene, and even unhealthy lifestyle practices. Sometimes, severe tooth loss develops because of chronic health conditions such as diabetes, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis. As a result, one may find it hard to chew their food. In such situations, dental implants can be a worthwhile solution, replacing the lost teeth and restoring functions like eating and speaking. The implants easily fill the gaps left by lost natural teeth and support the health of jaw bones. 2. Loose dentures Dentures can loosen up over time. So, they may slip or move around in the mouth, making it difficult to eat and speak. Additionally, this issue can make one feel worried that their dentures will fall off at any time.
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Top 9 benefits of gut health supplements

Top 9 benefits of gut health supplements

Many experts believe several health conditions may directly or indirectly relate to the stomach. Gut health is essential to physical well-being, and the importance of having the right foods cannot be emphasized enough. But sometimes, the stomach and immune system need an additional boost, which can further improve digestion and maintain the body’s probiotic levels. In such cases, having gut health supplements entails several benefits for the stomach and digestive system. 1. Preventing and treating diarrhea Bacterial or viral infections, food allergies, etc., usually cause diarrhea. Gut-health supplements usually contain probiotics , which have  certain microorganisms such as yeast and healthy bacteria.  These microorganisms help fight the diarrhea-causing germs and help recover from diarrhea more quickly. 2. Maintaining the stomach microbiome Bacteria can be good or bad, and probiotics are packed with good bacteria. So, having gut health supplements can help restore the balance of gut bacteria, which boosts immunity and helps fight external agents like bad bacteria and viruses better. 3. Lowering cholesterol levels and enhancing heart health The probiotics in gut health supplements have been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Specifically, if the supplement contains certain bacteria that produce lactic acid, they tend to break down gut bile, which is a naturally occurring cholesterol.
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