7 disadvantages of applying for disability benefits

7 disadvantages of applying for disability benefits

Disability benefits provided under Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can serve as a lifeline for people with physical or cognitive impairment. Such benefit systems basically dispense monthly income to people with disabilities and those who contribute the same through taxes. Moreover, they may also receive Medicare benefits. However, such programs come with certain limitations, which may or may not address all the diverse needs and challenges of people with disabilities. Strict definition of disability Social Security only benefits people with a severe impairment that renders them unable to work and support themselves or their families. Disability benefits are only for those who can’t do any substantial, profitable work. Such strict definitions may often ignore other aspects of disability, like partial or short-term disability. There are two main criteria for qualifying for SSDI. First, one should have worked long enough and paid significant Social Security taxes to qualify for SSDI benefits. Second, one should prove an inability to work at a gainful employment for at least 12 months due to any physical or mental disability. So, one can only get the benefits if one can’t do the current job at all. Apart from this, there are also other non-medical requirements.
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11 foods to help manage nasal congestion

11 foods to help manage nasal congestion

Everyone suffers from a blocked nose once in a while. During this time, the individual may have a cough, cold, sneezing, chills, headaches, and even an irritation in the nasal tissue, which can be inconvenient. Nasal congestion may have many causes. Regardless of the cause, one can manage the problem with plenty of rest and warm liquids. In addition, individuals may eat these 11 foods to manage nasal congestion better: Pineapple Besides being a treat to the taste buds, pineapples are packed with vitamin C and bromelain. These nutrients can help break up accumulated mucus and reduce congestion. They can also manage other issues accompanying nasal congestion, such as sore throat. So, drinking fresh pineapple juice or eating pineapple slices is an excellent way to start one’s day and relieve nasal congestion. Ginger Ginger is a vital part of many traditional remedies for digestive problems, the common cold, and throat infections. With several antibacterial and antiviral properties, it can help dry out phlegm and mucus in the nasal passage, chest, and sinuses. The best way to have ginger is to use it in a warm beverage. Mix crushed ginger, lemon, and a drizzle of honey in hot water, brew it with some tea leaves, and strain the drink before enjoying it.
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Hereditary angioedema – Symptoms and management options

Hereditary angioedema – Symptoms and management options

Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare genetic condition that can affect different parts of the body and cause swelling under the skin, including the lining of the gut and the lungs. This condition is hereditary, and there is no definitive cure for it. However, there are treatment methods that help keep the symptoms at bay. Here are some of the symptoms to look out for and treatment options. Signs and symptoms Before the onset of the condition, some signs and symptoms can be noticed and are clearly visible. It usually begins with a tingling sensation in the affected body part and is often accompanied by non-itchy rashes. The affected area then swells, and if left untreated, the swelling may increase on the first day and gradually subside over the next two to three days. It is also possible that the swelling starts in one location and then migrates to another location. Skin-related symptoms When swelling on the skin occurs, it is called subcutaneous swelling, which usually affects the hands, feet, face, and genitals. This type of swelling is also usually accompanied by redness. Unlike other types of swelling, this type does not cause itching. Often, this type of symptom is misdiagnosed as an allergic reaction, and the wrong treatment options are administered, which do not work.
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Myelodysplastic syndrome – Symptoms, causes and management

Myelodysplastic syndrome – Symptoms, causes and management

Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) is a severe and complex disorder wherein the blood stem cells do not fully mature into healthy blood cells. When the body is deprived of healthy blood cells, one may develop other health conditions like anemia, bleeding without reason, and frequent infections. MDS is a rare condition that affects around 4 out of 100,000 people in the country. Here are some of the common symptoms, causes, and treatments to manage MDS. What is Myelodysplastic syndrome? The bone marrow usually produces three types of healthy blood cells to keep the body functioning properly. These include red blood cells (RBCs) that carry oxygen, white blood cells (WBCs) to fight infections, and platelets to help the blood clot during an injury. Now, with MDS, this entire process is disrupted. The bone marrow either starts to make abnormal levels of blood cells or does not make enough of them, which leads to low blood cell counts. Types of Myelodysplastic syndrome There are six types of MDS, all divided according to the shape and characteristics of the blood cells- MDS with multilineage dysplasia (MDS-MLD)- Here, more than one type of blood cell is oddly shaped. MDS with single lineage dysplasia (MDS-SLD) – One of the three types of blood cells looks abnormal and is low in number.
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4 disadvantages of senior dental insurance

4 disadvantages of senior dental insurance

Seniors who are Medicare beneficiaries have their health insurance covered, more or less. Now, family members may wonder whether to purchase senior dental insurance for them, as it only covers a portion of dental procedures like root canals, fillings, and extractions. Going through dental plans and their pros and cons can help families make informed decisions. Here is what one needs to know about investing in a senior dental insurance plan and its disadvantages: Dental insurance – What it is Many consider dental insurance to be the same as health insurance or part of it. And while it is insurance for the teeth, there are some similarities and differences between these two types of insurance. Just like in health insurance coverage, there are factors like emergencies and other treatment-related expenditures that can be covered; in dental insurance, the coverage includes emergencies like injury to the tooth or getting an oral infection. However, one significant difference between dental and health insurance is the coverage provided under the policy and how this coverage works for individuals. Regular dental plans for seniors While dental plans vary from person to person, generally, the following are the only things covered under the dental plan for seniors:
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Gastrointestinal stromal tumor – Symptoms and management options

Gastrointestinal stromal tumor – Symptoms and management options

A gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a type of cancer that originates in the digestive system, usually in the small intestine and stomach. It results from the abnormal growth of cells that may develop into special types of nerve cells present in the walls of the digestive organs. GISTs may interfere with one’s digestive process and affect the movement of food through the body. Below are the symptoms and management options associated with this cancer. Symptoms Small GISTs usually do not cause any symptoms, grow slowly, and do not trigger any problems. However, as a GIST grows, it may trigger signs and symptoms in the concerned individual. While it can occur in individuals at any age, it is common in adults and rare in children. While the cause of most GISTs is yet to be determined, experts indicate a small number of cases are caused by genes passed from parents to children. A few common symptoms include: – Growth that can be felt in the abdomen – Nausea – Dark-colored stools, which are triggered by bleeding in the digestive system – Fatigue – A feeling of fullness even after eating a small amount of food – Abdominal pain – Vomiting – Cramping pain in the abdomen after eating – The lack of hunger when one would normally expect to feel hungry Treatment options For an expert to recommend treatment options for GIST, one needs to undergo a thorough diagnosis.
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6 tips to choose the right multivitamin

6 tips to choose the right multivitamin

Multivitamins are health products containing high concentrations of vitamins and minerals to enhance nutrient intake and overall health. Depending on their formulations and ingredients, these products can play various roles – from boosting immune function and eliminating the nutrient gap to promoting sleep and improving nail, skin, and hair health. Read on to learn a few handy tips and tricks on how to choose the right multivitamins for one’s needs. Consider their nutritional content There are several types of multivitamins on the market. Before buying a product, one must consider their nutritional makeup to determine if it is right for them. Most multivitamins contain the following vitamins and essential minerals: Vitamin A promotes visual health and boosts the immune system. B vitamins, such as thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), vitamin B6, biotin (B7), vitamin B12, and folate, are responsible for helping with energy production, red blood cell production, and digestion. Vitamin C fortifies the immune system and promotes wound healing. Vitamin D bolsters immune responses and supports bone and teeth development. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help boost the immune system. Vitamin K2 improves cardiovascular health, blood clotting, and bone health. Calcium helps with stronger bones and teeth.
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5 benefits of keto gummies to know about

5 benefits of keto gummies to know about

Keto gummies are consumable ketone-based products that individuals with a ketogenic food regime can have as a part of their high-fat and low-carbohydrate meals. The high-fat, low-carb meals in a ketogenic lifestyle lead to one’s body using ketones as fuel in place of sugar that would otherwise come from carbohydrates. Keto gummies are a well-known product with many users globally due to its range of benefits. Here are some of those benefits: Helps clear brain fog Decreased mental clarity is a problem that many people face daily. It is a neurocognitive condition characterized by issues such as forgetfulness, focus problems, issues with concentrating on projects for long or even moderate periods, and volatile attention. Generally, sugar fluctuations in a person’s blood cause brain fog. The nutrients in a keto meal plan can offer healthy brain function. Supplementing the regime with keto gummies can help further reduce brain fog. Keto gummies have specific properties that help increase mental clarity in individuals, allowing them to focus for longer periods. Improved physical and mental performance Focus is the cornerstone of all activities. Therefore, by improving a person’s ability to concentrate for long periods through reduced sugar fluctuation in their body, keto gummies help improve their mental performance and ability to complete any task with aplomb.
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