8 early warning signs of osteoporosis

8 early warning signs of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that is characterized by the weakening of bones. The bones become so brittle that even a mild strain can cause a fracture. This happens because the new bone tissues are not regenerating fast enough to replace the old tissues. The exact cause behind this has yet to be discovered. However, several early warning signs indicate susceptibility to osteoporosis, especially among women. These help in timely diagnosis and treatment.  Low bone density Low bone density means that the mineral density in your bones has declined. Due to this, the body cannot generate new bone at the same rate as it absorbs the old bone. This condition is called osteopenia. Although being diagnosed with osteopenia doesn’t indicate osteoporosis, it is one of the early warning signs. This is because low bone density often precedes severe osteoporosis. If you have been diagnosed with osteopenia, consult your primary care doctor for regular tests and examinations to prevent further bone loss. Brittle bones Another tell-tale early warning sign of osteoporosis is brittle bones. Therefore, there is a higher risk of breaking a bone. These fractures usually occur in the wrist, spine, and hips. However, fractures can occur in any part of the body.
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5 tips for healthy lungs

5 tips for healthy lungs

Maintaining lung health is crucial for our overall well-being. Our lungs are primarily responsible for supplying oxygen to our body and releasing carbon dioxide, which is why taking good care of them is essential. However, with the increasing prevalence of lung-related diseases worldwide, prioritizing lung health is becoming more critical than ever. This article will impart valuable tips to help one keep their lungs healthy. Some of them are: Environmental factors that affect lung health The air we breathe can have a significant impact on our lung health. Exposure to air pollution, occupational hazards, and allergens can increase the risk of developing lung-related diseases. Air pollution significantly contributes to lung-related diseases and can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and lung cancer. Occupational hazards such as asbestos, coal dust, and silica can also lead to lung-related diseases. Besides, allergens and irritants such as pet dander, pollen, and smoke can also irritate our lungs and cause respiratory problems. To minimize exposure to these environmental factors, it’s essential to wear protective gear, avoid smoking and secondhand smoke, and maintain indoor air quality. Tips to promote healthy lungs Here are some tips to keep your lungs healthy: Practice good hygiene Practicing good hygiene helps prevent the spread of respiratory infections, which can be particularly harmful to people with compromised lung health.
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13 warning signs of dehydration

13 warning signs of dehydration

Water constitutes approximately 71% of the earth’s surface and 60% of the human body, making it an indispensable element of life. The body requires adequate water to perform several vital functions, including digestion, protection of tissues and the spinal cord, urination, bowel movements, replenishment of cells, and perspiration. Unfortunately, multiple studies have shown that 75% of adults in the country suffer from chronic dehydration. This article lists the common side effects of not having enough water. Abnormal urination patterns Lack of water in the body significantly affects urination, leading to lower urine output than usual. Moreover, the frequency at which one passes urine also decreases. Finally, the color of one’s urine becomes darker and more concentrated, which may leave a burning sensation around the urethra. The odor of one’s urine may also be stronger when dehydrated. Dryness of the tongue, mouth, and lips The salivary glands in the body require optimal fluid content to produce saliva, which is essential for lubricating the mouth. Dehydration reduces the body’s fluid levels, leading to mouth, lips, and tongue dryness. Chapped lips are common among individuals with dehydration. Lack of saliva can impede digestion and cause dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease.
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6 clothing pieces that may affect one’s health

6 clothing pieces that may affect one’s health

On the surface, what one wears may seem like the most non-influential aspect of their health and wellness. However, clothing affects an individual internally and externally, mostly health-wise, in more ways than one. Certain outfits, such as comfortable, breathable ones made from bamboo, linen, silk, or cotton, are considered “healthy clothing.” On the other hand, certain clothes have been found to be detrimental to the wearer’s health. Here are some such clothes that affect health adversely: Underwire bras Underwire bras are convenient to use, but studies have found that they can have potentially long-term health risks, including cuts and punctures from the sharp-ish wires, skin problems, long-term headaches, blocked milk ducts for nursing mothers, neck pain, uneasiness in the chest, indigestion, and several other problems. Some other health hazards posed by these types of bras include the metallic straps impeding the wearer’s blood flow and attracting undesirable electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) to the breast areas, increasing the risk of radiation-based health issues like cancer in women over time. Tight underwear for men As is the case with tight bras for women, tight underwear can be problematic for men from a health perspective. Overly fitted underwear can drastically increase the temperature around a man’s testes, leading to eventual and permanent infertility and impotence.
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5 alarming side effects of insufficient water intake

5 alarming side effects of insufficient water intake

Accounting for more than 60% of the human body, water is integral for survival. Hydration facilitates digestive functions, helps maintain temperature, and ensures proper circulation. Health experts and nutritionists advise adults to drink 6-8 glasses of water daily to ensure optimum health. Insufficient water intake can lead to several complications, such as dehydration, fatigue, dizziness, and more. Keep reading to learn more about the side effects of not drinking enough water. Dehydration The first noticeable side effect of poor drinking habits is dehydration. As the term suggests, this is a condition in which the body lacks enough water and cannot function properly. It can lead to symptoms like dizziness, headaches, dark yellow urine, thirst, and dry mouth. Some severe symptoms include feeling lightheaded or confused. If left untreated, dehydration can lead to life-threatening complications like kidney failure, seizures, and other severe conditions. Skin changes Dry and flaky skin are common symptoms of insufficient water intake. Drinking enough glasses of water during the day is important to keep the skin naturally hydrated and moisturized from within. Many nutritionists also recommend eating hydrating fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumber, and similar foods, which helps keep the skin’s elasticity intact, making it appear youthful.
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4 side effects of inadequate water intake

4 side effects of inadequate water intake

The secret to maintaining good health may be eating healthy and staying active. However, the importance of water cannot be overlooked, as every organ in the body needs sufficient water to function properly. Water also aids in lubricating the joints and maintaining body temperature. In fact, drinking insufficient water throughout the day can lead to various side effects, such as urinary problems and dizziness. In severe cases, it can even lead to kidney stones. 4 common side effects of insufficient water intake Persistent headaches One of the first side effects of insufficient water intake is the presence of persistent headaches, which can result in throbbing pain and hinder daily activities. Hence, when suffering from persistent headaches, it’s suggested that an individual consume a large glass of water and rest until the headache disappears. In most cases, dehydration-related headaches should disappear in a couple of hours after consuming water. Low energy or fatigue When an individual is dehydrated, they may notice a drop in their energy levels. They may face symptoms such as decreased focus, lightheadedness, and dizziness. The dehydration can worsen during the afternoons due to continued inadequate water intake, worsening the fatigue, and they may be unable to go about their day as usual.
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7 common early signs of Parkinson’s

7 common early signs of Parkinson’s

The brain controls all actions in the body using an intricate network of nerves connecting everything from head to toe. Parkinson’s is a neurological progressive disease that affects this network and disrupts vital nerve signals controlling body parts and functions. The disease does not have a permanent cure. But its symptoms can be managed with treatment, therapy, and lifestyle changes. One must recognize early signs of Parkinson’s disease to get a prompt diagnosis and treatment. Tremors Stress or physical fatigue can trigger shaky hands. However, a tremor that develops in the thumb, one of the fingers, the hand, or even the chin while resting may be an early sign of Parkinson’s. Tremors can start in the fingers but can turn into severely uncontrolled movements affecting the entire arm as the condition progresses. Poor balance, posture, and gait Changes in one’s walk and pace, like suddenly walking slower, could be another early sign of the disease. Parkinson’s also affects the nerves that control flexibility and balance. If the person takes more time or struggles with maintaining balance, it indicates damage to the basal ganglia nerves. Changes in stance are also noticeable as the disease progresses, with one developing a stooped or hunched-over posture.
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Foods to avoid for better eye health

Foods to avoid for better eye health

The foods we eat play a significant role, and that dictates how our organs function. The eyes are vascular, and it is necessary to eat nutritious foods to keep the blood vessels in good health. Eating unhealthy foods may block the veins that provide the eyes with the essential nutrients and oxygen. Such restrictions may affect one’s vision. Keeping this in mind, here are five foods that can worsen eye health. Margarine Margarine is considered a healthy alternative to butter, as it is made from vegetable oils. However, it still contains trans fats. These fats may increase a person’s cholesterol levels and put them at risk of heart diseases and eye problems. Red meat Red meat contains preservatives like salt, cholesterol, and fat, making them tasty and increasing their shelf life. However, these chemicals may harm one’s health and lead to high blood pressure. Such pressure spikes can lead to Choroidopathy, a fluid buildup below the retina. Fish Several fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and may offer health benefits. However, fish also contain hints of mercury. People who eat lots of fish may be at risk of eye damage because of the chemical element. Coffee Coffee contains caffeine, an energy-boosting component that helps people stay active.
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