7 bathing and showering mistakes to avoid

7 bathing and showering mistakes to avoid

Bathing and showering are essential parts of our daily hygiene routine, but sometimes we make mistakes that can affect our skin and overall health. While these are some of the most basic and simple activities of the day, some tips can enhance this self-care experience further. This article discusses 7 common bathing mistakes people make. Avoiding these common mistakes will help you make your skincare routine more efficient in maintaining good health and hygiene. Taking hot water showers This can be especially comfortable when there’s a nip in the air or even after a long exhausting day of work. But hot showers are notoriously famous for rinsing the natural oils off the skin. This can leave the skin to be dry and flaky. If you suffer from skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, hot showers should not be considered at all. It can cause flare-ups due to dry skin and dehydration. Also, always keep the baths short, just 10 mins. In fact, a lot of people might enjoy a hot shower after a workout, but studies suggest that a cold shower after a workout can help relax the muscles even more. And this can also help keep the pores of the skin closed.
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12 signs of constipation that shouldn’t be ignored

12 signs of constipation that shouldn’t be ignored

One of the most important functions of the human body is to expel waste material to ensure a healthier and more efficient digestive system. Unfortunately, about 16% of adults in the country grapple with constipation symptoms, characterized by difficulty passing stools regularly. Although the condition is typically not life-threatening, severe constipation may lead to health conditions like hemorrhoids and fecal impaction. Some early warning signs that indicate one may be constipated are listed below. Passage of stools less than thrice a week A tell-tale sign of constipation is infrequent passage of stools, defined as less than three bowel movements a week. Such infrequent bowel movements for an extended period can cause discomfort and loss of alertness, interfering with the ability to complete one’s daily activities. Hard, dry stools The colon muscles typically act slowly among constipation patients. Consequently, stools move through the colon more slowly than usual, causing excessive water absorption in the colon and hard, dry stools. For this reason, one needs to stay hydrated, especially when dealing with constipation symptoms. Gas and bloating Constipation is often accompanied by the accumulation of gas in the stomach, causing severe bloating and discomfort. At such times, it is advisable to avoid processed and deep-fried foods, replacing them with healthier alternatives like foods rich in insoluble fiber to give the body the push required to empty the bowels.
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9 common side effects of periods

9 common side effects of periods

Most women experience symptoms before their period starts as part of premenstrual syndrome. These symptoms may occur five days and two weeks before their menstrual cycle begins. Some side effects may also occur during and after a period. For example, the pain experienced during a menstrual cycle can differ from one woman to the next. That said, here are nine common symptoms of periods that one should be mindful of. Headaches Studies show that more than 50 percent of women who get migraines report an association between their occurrence and period. The hormones in the body trigger the pain response. This is why fluctuating hormonal levels can trigger such painful headaches. For example, migraine attacks can occur before, during, or immediately following menstruation. Furthermore, some individuals can experience a migraine attack during ovulation. Mood swings One might experience multiple symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). And these could be much more taxing on their health than the physical side effects of periods. Before and during a period, the hormones rise and fall, which can affect a person’s mood. For example, one might experience side effects such as depression, mood swings, anxiety, and irritability. While changes in one’s mood cannot be avoided, getting good sleep, avoiding caffeine, and staying active can help manage these effects.
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Top 10 warning signs of poor blood circulation

Top 10 warning signs of poor blood circulation

Blood circulation is among the most crucial bodily functions. Red blood cells (RBCs) continuously supply freshly oxygenated blood to different organs, supporting all major metabolic, digestive, cognitive, and cardiovascular processes. Any interruption in this supply can trigger a chain reaction of complications, leading to poor health. Here are ten common signs of poor blood circulation that one must never ignore. Individuals should visit an expert immediately upon experiencing these symptoms to determine the underlying cause. Swelling Swelling is one of the first noticeable signs of poor blood circulation, which usually occurs in the hands and feet. It is accompanied by a warm sensation under the skin as the blood backs up and pools into a single area due to obstructions in arteries and veins. As blood circulation reduces, one might also experience numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. The numbness and tingling sensations are similar to what one experiences when pins and needles prick the skin. Dry skin Another visible symptom of poor circulation is dry skin. A lack of blood flow affects the regeneration of healthy skin cells, causing the old cells to crack up and form dry patches. If left unchecked, these dry patches can become infected and develop wounds that take time to heal.
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Never ignore these 7 critical signs of esophageal cancer

Never ignore these 7 critical signs of esophageal cancer

Esophageal cancer is a condition that develops due to the rapid and uncontrolled mutation of healthy cells in the esophagus. This mutation is triggered when the body mistakenly attacks its cells and tissue, impacting vital functions in the affected area. Cancer has no cure, and it is only possible to manage the spread and discomfort to a certain extent. Knowing these alarming signs of esophageal cancer and associated discomforts can help doctors decide the prompt course of action. Trouble with swallowing This cancer develops and affects the esophagus, so one will experience problems with swallowing. The healthy cells begin to mutate rapidly as cancer spreads and causes the passage to get constricted. Even the opening becomes too narrow, making it difficult to swallow food and beverages. Even after chewing properly, people might complain of pain while swallowing and morsels getting stuck midway due to constriction. And this symptom only becomes worse as the cancer progresses into the advanced stages. Developing a chronic cough The mutation of healthy cells in the esophagus also results in an excess buildup of mucus. This mucus formation is mainly triggered as an immune response by the body to keep the cells lubricated. Excess mucus further triggers a cough that persists and worsens with the spread of esophageal cancer.
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11 early warning signs of multiple sclerosis

11 early warning signs of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disorder of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). In this condition, the immune system targets the protective sheath that shields the nerve fibers, which causes communication problems between the brain and the body. This condition can cause permanent damage to the nerve fibers. Warning signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis vary between patients. Some of the most common early signs of MS are listed below. 1) Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS)-  In some patients, the earliest indicator of MS is CIS. This episode lasts 24 hours, and one may experience neurologic symptoms that cannot be associated with another cause, some of which are listed below. Optic neuritis-  This condition causes damage to the myelin of the optic nerve, leading to vision problems and eye discomfort. Lhermitte’s Sign-  This is caused by a lesion on the spinal cord, which causes a tingling or shock sensation in the back and the neck, especially when one bends their neck. Transverse myelitis-  This affects the spinal cord and may cause muscle weakness, numbness, and other issues. 2) Fatigue-  Fatigue is one of the most common indicators of MS. It is described as exhaustion that makes it difficult to carry out one’s daily activities.
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6 healthy smoothies that help fight arthritis symptoms

6 healthy smoothies that help fight arthritis symptoms

What we eat may play a significant role in the upkeep of our health. Some healthy foods may also help tackle symptoms like stiffness and joint pain, which are caused by arthritis. However, eating certain types of meals regularly could get boring. So here are six smoothie ideas to make meals more fun and simultaneously manage the symptoms of arthritis. Moreover, one should consult a healthcare expert before introducing these foods to their meal regime. Avocado smoothie Avocados are a healthy fruit choice, rich in healthy fats and vitamin E. Such properties are essential for preventing cartilage damage, which reduces the symptoms of joint pain caused by arthritis. To enjoy the fruit as a smoothie, one needs a cup of avocado cubes, a cup of cherries, and a cup of natural pineapple juice. The next step involves simply mixing all the ingredients and adding water to the mix until it reaches the desired consistency. Blueberry smoothie Those who enjoy eating berries may love to learn that blueberries are significantly healthy for the body, especially in tackling the symptoms of arthritis. Adding blueberries to meals could introduce several phytonutrients, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins to the body, which may tackle the effects of inflammation.
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10 early signs of poor lung health

10 early signs of poor lung health

Lungs play a vital role in breathing and oxygenating one’s body. Any disorders of this vital organ caused by inflammation can rapidly affect the rest of the body. However, many people may not realize they have lung problems until they become severe. Knowing the early signs of poor lung health can help individuals seek medical attention and prevent further damage. This article discusses some early signs of poor lung health and what they indicate. Here are a few common signs of poor lung health: Shortness of breath:  Difficulty breathing, especially after mild physical activity, could indicate poor lung function. Shortness of breath is also known as dyspnea, and it is a common symptom of many lung conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and pulmonary fibrosis. A cold or flu virus can clog and stress out one’s lungs, causing shortness of breath. This compromised lung capacity can make one more susceptible to developing bacterial infections, including bacterial pneumonia or bronchitis. If one is experiencing shortness of breath, it is crucial to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Inability to breathe deeply:   Poor lung health can make it challenging to fully expand the lungs, resulting in shallow breathing.
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