7 questions to ask the doctor during a routine checkup

7 questions to ask the doctor during a routine checkup

Routine health checkups are important because they give people insight into what’s happening in their bodies. During these visits, one can ask the healthcare professional any health-related questions and resolve their doubts. However, since routine checkups are generally far apart (annual, in most cases), it’s necessary to ask the right questions to make the entire session worthwhile. Here are a few things individuals can ask the expert when undergoing a checkup. Am I getting enough sleep? Despite everything that’s said and written about sleep, its importance is still underrated by many across the globe. How much sleep a person requires will vary depending on age, activity level, and overall health. However, most people require six to nine hours of rest every night. Unfortunately, some may be unable to clock in adequate sleep due to work or personal stress. In such instances, it’s perfectly normal for people to ask their doctor if the hours they sleep daily are enough to keep them healthy. The healthcare expert is qualified to give patients details about their sleep patterns and the effects a lack of sleep has on their bodies. Does my family history put me at risk of any disease? For routine health checkups, most people prefer family doctors they have visited regularly for many years.
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Autism in children – 8 early signs to look out for

Autism in children – 8 early signs to look out for

Autism spectrum disorder, better known as autism or ASD, is a developmental disability. Most people and children with this condition experience problems with social interaction, communication, repetitive behaviors, and interests. This can cause problems in relationships. One must keep in mind that several signs of ASD appear during the first 12 to 18 months. Hence, parents must consult a healthcare professional when they notice the following early signs of autism in children. Development of peculiar interests When a child is in the early stages of autism, he or she may show behaviors or interests that seem unusual. For instance, the child may line up toys or other objects and get incredibly upset when the order is changed suddenly. Another example of this early sign is the child throwing tantrums when separated from an object, activity, or toy. Unusual movements Another sign seen early in children is problems with cognitive functioning. So, if a child is on the autism spectrum, it can affect their motor skills. This can cause the child to go around in circles, flap the hands and feet, and rock back and forth rapidly. Additionally, the child may also experience an increased response to certain sensory triggers such as strong smells, sights, and sounds.
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10 herbs and spices that may help with cancer prevention and management

10 herbs and spices that may help with cancer prevention and management

According to reports, cancer affected around 439 per 100,000 individuals in our country in 2019. But on the bright side, many survived the condition. This suggests that while cancer is a significant health concern, timely diagnosis and advanced treatment can help patients recover. Besides doctor-recommended therapies, a healthy lifestyle and nutrition plan is essential when dealing with the condition. Here are some herbs and spices that may help prevent and manage cancer: Turmeric Turmeric does more than just flavoring one’s food to perfection. Curcumin, the component that facilitates its bright-yellow color, is a potent antioxidant that may slow the spread of cancer cells in the body. It does this by helping destroy the blood vessels that feed cancer cells. Thanks to this property, turmeric complements cancer treatments like chemotherapy. It may be added to gravies, soups, smoothies, and stir-fries. Turmeric milk or tea is also emerging as a popular beverage. Garlic This allium vegetable helps prevent cancer cells from growing new blood vessels and facilitates their death. S-allyl cysteine, an organosulfur compound present in garlic, is shown to suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells. Reports from the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) also indicate that garlic is associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer.
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7 common warning signs of prostate cancer

7 common warning signs of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a condition wherein healthy cells in a man’s prostate begin growing aggressively and out of control. If left unchecked, this tumor can spread to nearby organs such as the rectum, bladder, and others. In such instances, this disease is likely to become life-threatening. Fortunately, prostate cancer is often highly curable if healthcare professionals diagnose and treat it at an early stage. Some of the common warning signs of prostate cancer are listed below. Stiffness in the lower back If the tumor is not dealt with during its initial stages, prostate cancer spreads to several areas encompassing the lower back region in a person’s body. The malignant cells can negatively affect the bones, leading to a condition known as bone metastasis. Eventually, cancer affects the spine and triggers back stiffness and pain in people. This symptom can sometimes make it hard for patients to sit. Frequent urination As mentioned earlier, in its advanced stages, prostate cancer can affect surrounding organs, such as the bladder, urethra, and, in the long term, kidneys if it spreads. The urethra and the bladder are two organs close to the prostate gland. So, as the prostate enlarges out of control due to cancerous cell growth, it puts pressure on the bladder, which in turn causes people to feel the urgent need to urinate more often than usual.
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6 uncomfortable questions to ask a gastroenterologist

6 uncomfortable questions to ask a gastroenterologist

The gastrointestinal system is one of the most important elements in an individual’s overall health. Therefore, discussing each aspect, whether it concerns digestion or excretion, is essential. Since one may find it embarrassing to talk about these topics with others, it is best to speak to a gastroenterologist instead. The individual should know that discussing these questions with the expert is normal. When it comes to gastrointestinal symptoms, there’s no better place than a health clinic. What is the cause of excessive gas? An individual may pass more gas than usual but neglect to speak about it. However, it is one of the most important processes in gastrointestinal health and should be discussed with an expert. Passing excessive gas could occur due to flatulence – a process where one swallows more air than usual. It could also occur when the person eats food that cannot be digested easily. Excessive gas could occur due to health conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome or recurring digestion. And speaking with an expert could help relieve any stress caused by the condition and look for suitable remedies. Why are feces colored unusually differently? Another common topic most people avoid discussing is the unusual color of feces.
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7 signs of unhealthy skin that need attention

7 signs of unhealthy skin that need attention

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and often also the one that is easily ignored. It is one of the telltale organs which show signs and symptoms of how a person’s body is doing internally – if it is healthy or unhealthy. Many internal and external factors contribute to the skin’s health and here are some signs that indicate one’s skin might need some love, care, and attention. Dry and flaky skin This happens when there is not enough moisture retention in the skin. There can be many factors that cause dryness, including using harsh face and body cleansers, excessive bathing and exfoliation, and extreme weather conditions like too hot or too cold temperatures. Moreover, other underlying conditions like eczema or psoriasis could be responsible for the dry and flaky skin symptoms. It is important to moisturize regularly and drink enough water to stay hydrated. If one lives in an extremely dry environment, then investing in a humidifier is recommended to avoid further skin issues. Acne breakouts This is a prevalent condition that leads to the formation of other issues like blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. When there is excess sebum production, then it leads to clogging of pores and the formation of bacteria.
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7 warning signs of bone cancer to be aware of

7 warning signs of bone cancer to be aware of

Bone cancer is a rare but serious condition that primarily affects an individual’s pelvis and long bones in the arms or legs. Timely detection and treatment are crucial to manage the symptoms effectively. Here are some of the highly common warning signs associated with bone cancer as well as some of its causes and treatment options. This can help individuals recognize symptoms and take proactive measures in addressing this condition. What is bone cancer? Bone cancer, or bone sarcoma, is an uncommon type of cancer that makes up less than one percent of all cancer cases. It occurs once malignant cells start to grow in the bones and form a tumor. Bone cancer can be of various forms. Osteosarcoma, which is highly prevalent in children and young adults. Here, the cancerous cells grow or produce excess bone cells. Chondrosarcoma is another type of cancer where the cancerous cells begin to produce cartilage. It usually affects middle-aged and older adults. Ewing sarcoma tumors primarily affect the pelvis, legs and arms of children and young adults. Warning signs of bone cancer Pain In the initial stage, one may experience pain in the area where the cancer is developing. This is the most common sign and may also be associated with swelling in the area.
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8 warning signs of low bone density

8 warning signs of low bone density

Sometimes the creation of new bone cannot keep up with the loss of old material, known as osteoporosis. The condition could result in symptoms that may affect one’s ability to carry out daily tasks. A healthcare expert may recommend prescriptions and lifestyle changes to manage bone complications. But these treatment options may work better if the condition is diagnosed early. So here are eight signs of low bone mineral density that must be addressed immediately. Receding gums The gums may recede due to multiple factors, including aggressive brushing, genetics, and other unhealthy habits. However, this sign could also indicate a reduction in bone density. The oral complication is usually subtle and might require an expert’s opinion. Furthermore, the teeth and jaw bones are connected. So when the latter starts to lose bone mineral density, it could result in receding gums, which may also affect the health of teeth. Weakened grip strength The loss of grip strength could be an indicator of low bone mineral density triggered by osteoporosis. Some common signs that one should look for include the reduced ability to open doors easily, push objects, or grab onto structures properly. These are signs that the individual may have lost muscle strength.
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