Avoid these 8 foods that can trigger heartburn

Avoid these 8 foods that can trigger heartburn

Acid reflux, or heartburn, is a known symptom of common gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. The stomach contains digestive juices to break down foods and beverages. A separate muscle known as the lower esophageal sphincter prevents these juices from moving out of the stomach. Heartburn develops when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, causing pain and irritation. It can be brought on by underlying health complications or the following trigger foods. Allium vegetables Onions, shallots, and garlic are all bulbous vegetables belonging to the allium family of plants. These vegetables are naturally high in fermentable fibers. Several studies suggest these fibers interact with the gut bacteria and trigger an increased production of stomach acid, which leaks into the esophageal cavity. Nutritionists suggest avoiding or limiting allium veggies to prevent acid reflux. Citrus fruits One should avoid citrus fruits when affected by GERD to prevent heartburn. Oranges, tomatoes, lemons, and limes are highly acidic in nature that disrupt the natural pH balance of the stomach acid. The digestive juices are forced to back up into the esophagus, causing heartburn and irritation.  Fatty food Fats found in common foods and even some beverages take a while to digest. This results in the slow evacuation of foods from the stomach.
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Top 6 foods for keeping anemia at bay

Top 6 foods for keeping anemia at bay

Anemia is a common condition characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or a diminished ability of these cells to carry oxygen. The condition can cause fatigue, weakness, and other health issues. To prevent such a deficiency and maintain optimal health and vitality, it is crucial to follow a balanced meal plan rich in essential nutrients. So, here are a few foods that can help keep anemia at bay: Salmon Salmon, a fatty fish, is not only rich in omega-3 fatty acids but is also a valuable source of heme iron. Further, omega-3s offer anti-inflammatory properties that can help address underlying conditions contributing to anemia, making salmon a well-rounded choice for preventing this condition. In addition to heme iron, salmon contains vitamin B12, a nutrient vital for red blood cell formation. It also offers vitamin D, which helps in absorbing calcium and maintaining bone health, and selenium, an antioxidant that protects red blood cells from oxidative damage. Beef Beef is a potent source of heme iron—a highly absorbable form of iron found in animal products. Heme iron is particularly helpful in preventing a type of anemia called iron-deficiency anemia. Beef also provides an array of essential nutrients beyond iron.
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Foods to Eat With Chronic Kidney Disease

Foods to Eat With Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease, or CKD, is a health condition in which the kidneys cannot effectively filter waste from the blood, leading to an accumulation of toxins. If left untreated, it can cause serious health complications. While chronic kidney disease can be an onerous burden, it does not have to prevent the patient from living a fulfilling life. Many treatments help manage the symptoms and discomforts, and doctors also recommend a few nutrition and lifestyle changes. Foods for managing chronic kidney disease Healthy nutrition is an essential part of managing chronic kidney disease. Certain foods have nutrients that help improve overall kidney health and manage diseases that affect the organ. Below are a few such foods to consider adding to meals: Low-sodium foods Reducing salt and sodium intake is essential when dealing with chronic kidney disease. Cutting back on salt helps maintain healthy blood pressure, reducing the risk of complications that can arise with this condition. Eating fresh foods like greens, broccoli, and cauliflower is a great way to reduce sodium intake. Besides being low in salt, fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats are excellent sources of nutrients and protein. Another way to reduce sodium intake is to avoid canned foods, as they use salt as a preservative.
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6 foods that may aggravate breathing difficulties

6 foods that may aggravate breathing difficulties

Breathing-based illnesses make getting through a day challenging for people living with them. To top it off, if such individuals eat these “wrong” foods, that will aggravate the condition even more. People overlook the sheer vitality of foods on their respiratory system, which is a massive oversight and can have dire consequences on their health. The worst foods are loaded with sugar or other unhealthy compounds or are overly processed. So let’s look at a few. Beef and pork Regarding processing, red meats contain several chemical preservatives and additives to boost their shelf life and edibility. Additionally, such foods are also packed with saturated fats. Therefore, regularly eating foods such as beef, pork, lamb, mutton, veal, goat, venison, and red meats raises the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the body dramatically. In addition, LDL is linked with lung inflammation and greater difficulty inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. This risk element gets compounded several times more when people with severe respiratory issues such as COPD or asthma consume foods loaded with processing chemicals and saturated fats. Due to their inflammatory nature, people with respiratory illnesses will do well to steer clear of processed meats and foods. Cakes and pastries As implied earlier, refined sugar is an equally big negative regarding lung health.
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7 signs of kidney disease due to excessive sugar

7 signs of kidney disease due to excessive sugar

Excessive sugar levels can lead to several health complications. One of these significant disorders is diabetic nephropathy, which is a kidney disease. It is a debilitating condition that slowly affects the kidney’s function over time. According to the CDC, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 3 people with diabetes develop poor signs of kidney disease due to excessive sugar. Here are a few things one needs to know about the various diabetic nephropathy symptoms. Signs of kidney disease due to excessive sugar Diabetic nephropathy advances in stages according to a person’s estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), which evaluates the kidney’s efficiency in filtering substances in the body. The normal eGFR value is approximately 100, and it decreases as kidney function declines. During the early phase of diabetic nephropathy, the eGFR level typically falls between 60 and 90. There are no observable symptoms at this point, and the kidney continues to function adequately, even if it is slightly damaged. However, if the eGFR level drops below 60, it may indicate poor kidney health due to high blood sugar levels. Changes in the frequency and amount of urination Normally, the kidneys filter blood and produce urine. However, high blood sugar levels can cause a loss of kidney function over time.
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Avoid these 3 breathing mistakes for healthy lungs

Avoid these 3 breathing mistakes for healthy lungs

Breathing is a crucial and natural process for sustaining life. However, have you ever thought about the possibility of there being a correct or incorrect way of doing it? Though it may seem strange since breathing is usually something we do involuntarily, there are several tips for breathing correctly, as well as common mistakes that many of us make daily. This article aims to explore these mistakes and provide guidance on how to avoid them. Using your mouth Many people, including children and adults, breathe through their mouths. However, this can lead to crooked teeth, facial deformities, and stunted growth in kids. In adults, mouth breathing can cause gum disease and bad breath. Breathing through the nose is the proper way to inhale and exhale air. The nostrils in the nose act as filters that keep the air warm and humidified, which can be beneficial in cold and dry climates. It’s important to remember that mouth breathing is not unnatural but is not the best way to breathe. So, it’s advisable to make a conscious effort to breathe through the nose whenever possible. Not breathing through your belly To perform belly breathing, one must use the diaphragm, a muscle located above the stomach.
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8 bad habits that could lead to kidney failure

8 bad habits that could lead to kidney failure

The kidneys’ primary function is as the body’s natural detoxifier. They filter all the toxins from the blood and turn waste into urine. In addition, they regulate electrolytes, release hormones, and control blood pressure levels. Since kidneys perform these essential functions, taking good care of them is paramount. And one can do so by avoiding certain unhealthy practices and bad habits that could lead to kidney failure. Let’s take a look. Overeating of processed foods Packaged snacks, cold cuts of meat, pre-packaged meals, and other processed foods contain high percentages of sodium, sugar, unhealthy fats, phosphorus, and artificial additives and preservatives. An overconsumption of such foods increases the risk of developing hypertension and heart diseases. Moreover, the high amount of sodium and phosphorus in these foods disrupt the normal functioning of the kidneys. Thus, overeating processed foods must be avoided for better kidney health. Not drinking enough water When one has enough water throughout the day, it helps the kidneys to filter out the excess sodium and toxins from the body. Also, being sufficiently hydrated is an excellent way to prevent kidney stones from developing. So it is essential to drink an adequate amount of water. Being dehydrated too frequently puts pressure on the kidneys.
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8 common warning signs of vasculitis

8 common warning signs of vasculitis

Vasculitis is a group of rare and complex autoimmune disorders involving blood vessel inflammation. This can affect any body part, from the skin to vital organs like the heart and kidneys. While these disorders are uncommon, early recognition and diagnosis are crucial for effective treatment and management. Continue reading to explore the top eight common warning signs of vasculitis that can help individuals seek timely medical attention to improve their condition. Persistent fatigue One of the initial signs of vasculitis that individuals may experience is persistent fatigue. This is often more than just feeling tired post-exertion; it’s an unrelenting exhaustion that doesn’t improve with rest. Vasculitis can lead to inflammation throughout the body, causing the immune system to work overtime. As a result, the body becomes chronically fatigued, impacting a person’s ability to perform daily activities. Recurrent unexplained fever Frequent unexplained fevers can be another warning sign of vasculitis. These fevers often occur due to the body’s immune system trying to combat the inflammation in the blood vessels. If one experiences recurrent fevers without apparent cause, one should consult a healthcare provider for further examination. Skin changes Many types of vasculitis can manifest with skin changes as a prominent symptom.
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