Heartburn – Early warning signs, causes, and more

Heartburn – Early warning signs, causes, and more

Heartburn occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, a tube that carries food from one’s mouth to one’s stomach. While occasional heartburn is regular, persistent or severe symptoms could point to a more serious condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Recognizing the early warning signs of heartburn is essential for timely intervention and improved quality of life. Here are the top eight common signs of heartburn and its causes and home remedies. Early warning signs of heartburn Burning sensation The backflow of acid from the stomach can irritate the delicate lining of the esophagus, giving a burning sensation in the throat and chest. This sensation is often described as a fiery or hot feeling and can range in intensity from mild to severe. Acidic taste Heartburn is usually accompanied by regurgitation. Here, the acid and partially digested food rise into the back of the throat or mouth, causing a sour or acidic taste. Difficulty swallowing Heartburn can lead to tightness or discomfort in the throat, making it difficult to swallow. This symptom can occur if the esophagus becomes inflamed or narrowed due to repeated acid exposure. Chest pain Heartburn can sometimes mimic the symptoms of a heart attack.
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13 warning signs of kidney cancer

13 warning signs of kidney cancer

Kidney cancer is a complex health condition that must be identified in time. One way to spot it is to be alert and look for its early warning signs. Individuals who experience the symptoms should promptly consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. Timely detection significantly enhances a person’s chances of successful treatment and a favorable prognosis. The following are a few probable signs of kidney cancer. Loss of appetite A loss of appetite is a probable sign of kidney cancer. People with this condition may not feel the urge to eat anything. At the same time, when they do eat, they might feel full quickly after a few bites. Fever Fever is a common symptom of kidney cancer. If one has a fever without other signs of a possible infection, it could point toward kidney damage. The body temperature may stay high consistently or rise and decrease repeatedly. It is crucial to get a fever checked if there is no possible explanation for it. Foamy urine Some people might experience foamy urination. At times, it might take more than a single flush to get rid of the foamy residue. The problem arises because of the presence of albumin, a protein that the body releases through the urine when kidney function is compromised.
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6 viral infections and their associated warning signs

6 viral infections and their associated warning signs

Viral infections are any illness transmitted from a virus. These are microscopic germs that use the cells in the body to reproduce and spread. Several individuals often mistake viral infections for bacterial infections because the symptoms overlap. However, doing so may affect the treatment plan and worsen one’s condition. Therefore, it is imperative for one to know about these six viral infections and the associated symptoms and get them treated at the earliest. Influenza A person who develops influenza (flu) may experience mild to severe illness. The symptoms of flu usually appear suddenly and can include fever, chills, sore throat, cough, muscle or body aches, and runny or stuffy nose. Other symptoms of influenza include headaches, fatigue, and vomiting. People affected by the viral infection usually recover in a few days to less than two weeks. However, if left undiagnosed and untreated, one might develop complications such as pneumonia. If this happens, one might require immediate healthcare attention. Common cold One might develop a common cold when a virus enters the respiratory system. For instance, an individual might touch an infected surface or shake hands with a person who is sick and follow this by touching their mouth, eyes, or nose, leading to the transfer of the germs into the body.
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8 unusual questions to ask a gynecologist

8 unusual questions to ask a gynecologist

With the stigma around our sexual health, speaking to a gynecologist about specific issues can be tricky. One of the biggest reasons most of us shy away from asking questions about our sexual health is fear of judgment. It is important to remember that gynecologists are professionals trained to answer all your queries so that you can enjoy optimal health. Here are the most commonly asked ‘embarrassing’ questions at the gynecologist’s office: Does it look normal? Many women often worry about how their vulva looks. Like the rest of our bodies, vulvas come in all different shapes, sizes, and characteristics. There is no one-size-fits-all look, so there is nothing to feel self-conscious about. However, if you notice abnormal changes or growths, talk about them with your gynecologist. Since gynecologists are used to seeing several of them daily, they are the best person to clarify all your concerns. Do I need to shave/wax/groom before my visit? Having to strip down in the gynecologist’s office can be intimidating for many people, especially if it’s your first time. Many women feel they would be judged for their personal grooming practices and hair growth around their vagina. So unless you have a bump or a concerning spot covered by pubic hair, you do not need to worry about having to groom before your visit.
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8 peeing mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder

8 peeing mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder

The urinary bladder, an important organ located in the pelvic cavity, acts as a temporary reservoir or holding place for urine. Although it performs a vital function, one may not stop to think about it until it does not work as it should. Certain lifestyle choices can impact bladder health and function, leading to issues like painful urination or urinary incontinence. So, avoiding the following peeing mistakes can help one maintain bladder health: Holding it in for too long Sometimes, holding pee in is unavoidable. However, making a habit out of it can impact bladder health. Contrary to popular belief, urine is not sterile. It contains several microbes that can lead to infections. Additionally, holding urine in makes the bladder stretch too much, which can impact bladder control. Not emptying the bladder Not emptying the bladder can also impact bladder health by stretching the organ and increasing the risk of infection. At times, one may also be unaware that their bladder has not been emptied. This is known as urinary retention. It may be a result of blockages, treatments, infections, swelling, or even neurological conditions. Common symptoms of urinary retention include pain or swelling in the lower abdomen, frequent urination in small amounts, a continual urge to pass urine even after peeing, and a slow stream.
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11 early signs of Parkinson’s to never ignore

11 early signs of Parkinson’s to never ignore

Parkinson’s is a neurological disorder that primarily disrupts communication from the brain resulting in uncontrolled and unexpected movements. It affects specific neurons that carry the signals and impulses from the brain to control vital organs and functions. Parkinson’s is progressive disorder, and there is no cure for the condition yet. However, knowing and identifying many early symptoms is beneficial to improve the outlook on living with the condition. Here are 11 early warning signs to never ignore. Tremors Resting tremors are among the first warning signs of developing Parkinson’s. These tremors are not noticeable when the person is using the hand but show up as soon as it is in a more relaxed position. The uncontrolled shaking starts with the thumb and progresses to affect the entire hand. Severe rigidity The rigidity of the muscle groups and joints also indicates developing Parkinson’s problems. These discomforts significantly impact simple day-to-day actions like buttoning up shirts, picking up objects, or gripping things in general. These symptoms are even more problematic when combined with the tremors that develop on and off abruptly. Such muscle problems can deeply impact a person’s psyche as well. Balance issues Parkinson’s also impacts a person’s balance as it interferes with the brain and body’s coordination to send and receive signals that control gait.
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Recognizing the warning signs of a seizure

Recognizing the warning signs of a seizure

Seizures are a neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. They can occur at any age and can be caused by various factors, including genetics, head injuries, and infections. Seizures can be classified into two main categories: generalized and partial. Generalized seizures affect the entire brain, while partial seizures affect only a specific part. Recognizing the warning signs of a seizure is crucial for timely intervention and ensuring the safety of the affected person. Aura or premonitory symptoms Premonitory symptoms or aura are one of the common symptoms of seizures. The intensity, type, and presence of these symptoms can differ from person to person. Individuals may experience premonitory symptoms in the form of unusual smiles, tastes, visual disturbances, unexplained anxiety or fear, a sense of deja vu, or sudden mood changes. It is essential to identify and recognize these symptoms during the early stages. Identifying the early signs provides an invaluable opportunity to prepare for a seizure. Altered sensations A person might experience a wide range of sensory disturbances because of seizures. This includes a tingling sensation and numbness in various parts of the body, an altered perception of pain, touch, or temperature, and a sense of pressure or heaviness.
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6 signs of a weak immune system

6 signs of a weak immune system

A healthy immune system is responsible for keeping the body safe from foreign viruses and bacteria that attack the healthy cells in the body. In this manner, it plays a huge role in warding off any infections or diseases. However, some factors can weaken the immune system over time, including unhealthy lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and genetic factors. Thus, here are some signs and symptoms to look out for that indicate a weak immune system. Frequent illnesses This is a very common symptom in anyone with a poor immune system. One may catch colds easily, and the symptoms that usually go away in a week last for longer. These individuals are also susceptible to getting food poisoning easily, which may take more than a couple of days to get treated. There are some barrier responses from the immune system which usually helps keep illnesses in check, and this includes: Cough reflex, which helps in expelling any foreign object which suddenly causes irritation. Stomach acid, which helps in killing the microbes which can enter the body through the food and drinks consumed. Mucus production, which helps in trapping bacteria and any other small particles which can cause irritation or cause infection in the body.
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