14 Signs of Multiple Myeloma to Look Out for

14 Signs of Multiple Myeloma to Look Out for

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that develops in the plasma cells or the white blood cells (WBCs). Healthy plasma cells help combat infections in the body by forming antibodies, which identify and attack germs. Cancerous plasma cells collect in the bone marrow in people with multiple myeloma, crowding the healthy blood cells. Hence, these malignant cells produce abnormal proteins instead of producing antibodies and negatively impact one’s health. Signs of multiple myeloma Weakness or numbness Typically, multiple myeloma is associated with nerve compression, which can cause numbness in the limbs. Hyperviscosity might result in numbness or weakness in the legs, arms, and face. Nerve damage At times, the abnormal proteins generated by the plasma cells are toxic to the nerves. The damage can result in numbness and weakness. It might also trigger a needle-like sensation or peripheral neuropathy. Most people disregard this symptom as routine, but it is important to visit a doctor if the episodes are repeated. Bone pain It is another symptom usually experienced by people with multiple myeloma. Abnormal plasma cells grow in the cortical bone and bone marrow, resulting in generalized bone thinning and local bone damage. It is known as osteoporosis, a condition that makes the bones more susceptible to breakage.
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Foods That Help Manage Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Foods That Help Manage Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic, allergic inflammatory disease of the esophagus. The esophagus is a tube that carries food and liquids, connecting the throat to the stomach. EoE can happen at any age but is most commonly diagnosed in adults and children. Fortunately, one can keep the symptoms of EoE at bay with the help of certain nutritional changes. Keep reading to learn about how nutritional changes can help manage the condition. Safe food choices Almond milk For EoE patients, it is an excellent alternative to cow’s milk. It has fewer allergens than cow’s milk and is also high in vitamin E, which helps reduce inflammation.  Coconut milk It is a dairy-free and lactose-free alternative to cow’s milk. It is high in monounsaturated fats, believed to help reduce inflammation associated with EoE. Coconut milk is also high in essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. All these make coconut milk a good source of nutrition for EoE patients. Quinoa It is a gluten-free grain that is high in protein and fiber. It has antioxidant properties that help protect cells from damage by free radicals, which can play a role in causing health problems like cancer.  Dairy-free yogurt It can be an excellent option for those diagnosed with EoE, as it contains fewer allergens than regular dairy yogurt.
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10 foods that may trigger or worsen epilepsy symptoms

10 foods that may trigger or worsen epilepsy symptoms

The brain is a vital organ responsible for several bodily functions. Epilepsy is a central nervous system (neurological) disorder that affects the brain and prevents it from working correctly. The condition may cause unusual behavior and sensations, seizures, and sometimes loss of awareness. Many factors can trigger the symptoms of epilepsy, including certain foods. Those with the disorder are advised to steer clear of the following options to manage their symptoms better. Coffee Coffee contains caffeine, a helpful stimulant that boosts energy for carrying out tasks at work or home. However, the beverage might not be the best for someone with epilepsy. Drinking too much coffee may trigger symptoms like seizures, which can lead to severe complications if not controlled. Therefore, patients are better off excluding this stimulant from their nutrition plan. Bananas Eating bananas regularly can have several health benefits. The fruit contains a substantial amount of potassium, which various body parts use to function well. Potassium may also help transfer electrical signals in the brain. However, eating too many bananas in a day may increase the body’s potassium levels. Excessive levels of this mineral in the brain may lead to symptoms of epilepsy, including seizures. One banana a day should not have adverse effects, but it is best to speak to a healthcare expert before changing a meal plan.
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Beware of these 5 household items that can increase cancer risk

Beware of these 5 household items that can increase cancer risk

Cancer is one of the leading conditions with fatal conditions affecting people worldwide. The condition is characterized by an uncontrolled mutation of healthy cells that get destroyed while spreading, affecting vital organs and functions. Several risk factors and triggers are involved based on the type of cancer and exposure. However, unbeknownst to many, certain daily-use household items can increase one’s risk of getting the condition. Five such instances where risk is high are discussed below. Household furniture Preservatives are added to increase the durability and shelf life of certain products. But one of the significant carcinogens linked to cancer, called formaldehyde, is heavily used in household furniture installations and furnishings. Unknowingly, people are at risk of developing this chronic illness due to repeated exposure due to certain materials used in making furniture and home upgrades. Common items like plywood, particle boards, paneling, foam insulation, wall paint, wallpapers, synthetic fabrics used in furnishing, and even many cosmetic products contain this preservative. These products release the fumes of the preservative. If the house is not airy or there is no proper ventilation, one could be actively inhaling this carcinogen, increasing the risk of known cancers. Cosmetic products Even beauty products contain certain chemicals and preservatives that expose the skin and body to cancer.
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7 worst foods and beverages that damage teeth

7 worst foods and beverages that damage teeth

Foods and beverages supply much-needed fuel for the body to support vital functions. However, certain lifestyle choices and daily eating habits can severely affect oral hygiene. There is an increased risk of cavities, gum decay, tooth decay, and bacterial infections due to the overconsumption of common foods and beverages. Here are six such daily consumables that should be taken in moderation or eliminated to maintain good teeth and gum health in the long run. Sugar-rich foods Refined sugar, be it used for making sweets, candies, baked goods, confectioneries, processed ready-to-eat foods, and even flavored drinks, are bad for the teeth. Sugar supplies a steady energy source for bacteria to feast on and rapidly multiply, causing cavities. Sugar also increases the risk of plaque buildup, which can further cause gum infections and speed up tooth decay. Refined carbohydrate-rich foods Carbohydrates are a good source of fuel for the body and should be included in daily nutrition. However, most foods bought off the shelves in the supermarket are loaded with refined carbohydrates. These carbs are bad for overall health, and the sticky residue left behind after chewing becomes a harboring ground for bacteria. Also, saliva breaks down carbohydrates into sugar due to an instantaneous reaction and, as a result, increases the risk of cavities.
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10 foods to avoid when dealing with atrial fibrillation

10 foods to avoid when dealing with atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is a condition characterized by rapid, irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia, which begins in the heart’s upper chambers or atria. As less blood is pumped out of the atria, it can accumulate in this region, causing blood clots and increasing the chances of developing a stroke. In addition to timely treatment, a healthy lifestyle and meal plan can help one recover from atrial fibrillation. Here are some foods people with the condition should avoid: Processed foods Processed foods contain salt in large amounts, so they can increase sodium levels in the body. High blood pressure and heart disease are common consequences of a high-sodium meal plan. So, those with atrial fibrillation should avoid processed foods like frozen pizza and extremely salty foods like fries, chips, and burgers and replace them with healthy carb and fat sources. Red meat Although red meat is an excellent source of iron and protein, it is rich in saturated fats, which can increase the risk of developing heart diseases and aggravate atrial fibrillation symptoms. So, when dealing with atrial fibrillation, one should limit their red meat intake, replacing it with lean meat sources like poultry and venison. Sugary foods Studies have demonstrated that those with type-2 diabetes are more susceptible to developing atrial fibrillation than those with normal blood sugar levels.
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11 common symptoms of lung cancer

11 common symptoms of lung cancer

Lung cancer is a serious disease that affects millions worldwide. Early detection plays a crucial role in improving treatment outcomes and increasing the chances of survival. Recognizing the warning signs and seeking prompt treatment can significantly impact the prognosis. By understanding these signs, individuals can become more proactive in monitoring their health and seeking timely intervention. This information also serves a huge purpose for people with a family history of lung or other types of cancer. Persistent cough A persistent or chronic cough is one of the most common symptoms of lung cancer. It can go on for several weeks or months if left untreated. Over time, the cough can worsen and may even be accompanied by blood-tinged sputum. It is essential to pay attention to the duration and frequency of the cough and seek evaluation if it persists or intensifies. Shortness of breath Breathlessness or shortness of breath experienced without cause or activity can be a huge red flag for people at risk of developing lung cancer. If one starts experiencing this symptom while performing day-to-day activities, it could indicate an underlying condition that should not be ignored. The tumor growing in the lungs can obstruct free breathing and the passage of gases through the airway.
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6 early warning signs of developing colon cancer

6 early warning signs of developing colon cancer

Cancer causes rapid growth and spread of unhealthy cells in the body that destroy healthy cells. It is called colon cancer when it develops in the intestinal tract leading to the colon or rectum. While colon cancer has no cure, identifying its symptoms in time can help doctors confirm its presence and recommend treatments to improve the patient’s quality of life. Here are some early warning signs of colon cancer to look out for. Dark stools Cancer destroys healthy cells in the colon and triggers bleeding. When the blood mixes with the stools during bowel movements, it changes the shade of the feces to a dark reddish tinge. This is a clear sign of bleeding in the intestinal tract or the rectum. Some patients also experience external bleeding while passing dark stools with aggressive colon cancer. However, since hemorrhoids can also cause rectal bleeding, it is vital to monitor the progression of this symptom. With hemorrhoids, the bleeding comes and goes with flare-ups. However, with colon cancer, the bleeding persists and worsens as the disease progresses. Erratic changes in bowel movements Since colon cancer develops in the intestinal tract connecting to the rectum, it affects the frequency of a person’s bowel movements.
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