4 healthy foods for nursing mothers

4 healthy foods for nursing mothers

Mothers who have recently delivered babies don’t have sufficient nutrition due to the loss of blood and lactation. As a result, they have to carefully choose foods that are rich in calcium, carbohydrate, unsaturated fat, iron, folic acid, protein, and vitamins B6, B12, C, and D. Thankfully, healthy foods and supplements can help them regain strength and supply breastmilk to their newborns. The top four superfoods that can help nursing mothers include: Bananas Bananas are less expensive, available throughout the year, and considered a superfood for nursing moms. They are rich in nutrients, healthy carbs, vitamin B, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Bananas are also abundant in potassium, calcium, and pectin, a source of energy. Experts claim that having a banana every day can help moms regain the energy they need to take care of the baby and breastfeed. Potassium is crucial for maintaining fluid balance in the mother’s body and aids in the rampant transmission of nerve impulses.  Bananas can also aid in regulating blood pressure. It can prevent constipation, aid in regular bowel movements, and promote healthy gut bacteria. These fruits can provide about 1/4th of the vitamin B6 required for nursing moms, which is crucial for hemoglobin production and fighting antibodies.
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6 toxic plants to keep away from dogs

6 toxic plants to keep away from dogs

It has become the norm to keep ornamental at home, especially since they beautify the space tremendously. But, if you are a pet parent, you must exercise caution in picking the potted plants you want. While some plants can cause vomiting or dysentery, a few can cause respiratory, digestive, neurological, or cardiac problems, leading to death. If you have become a pet parent recently, here are six plants toxic to dogs to note: 6 plants that dog parents must take note of Sago palm Sago palm is a very popular ornamental plant for indoor and outdoor spaces. It is known by many names like coontie palms or cardboard palms and is part of the Cycads group of plants. It contains multiple toxins, including cycasin and BMAA. Every part of the sago palm is toxic for your dogs, and the seeds can be the most dangerous. If a dog ingests even a small amount of any part of a sago palm plant, it can affect its nervous system, liver, or gastrointestinal system. You may see symptoms within 15 minutes or many hours. The most common reaction is gastrointestinal irritation, with initial symptoms like drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can also lead to serious complications like neurological problems, resulting in weakness, seizures, and tremors.
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7 common plants that are dangerous for cats

7 common plants that are dangerous for cats

Cats are naturally curious and tend to grab and play with things they find in their environment. So, they can end up grabbing or even chewing on dangerous plants, which can cause multiple complications and health-related issues. Cat parents should exercise caution when exposing their feline companions to outdoor environments or their own home and garden that can house poisonous plants. Some of the common plants that are toxic to cats are: Amaryllis Amaryllis is a popular indoor and outdoor plant that is grown in pots and containers, making it a popular gift during the holiday season. Cats can be drawn to its vibrant flowers, however, the plant contains toxins like lycorine and phenanthridine alkaloids. While the bulbs have the highest concentration of toxins, the stalks are also poisonous to cats. If ingested, cats can experience symptoms like drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, and tremors. They may even seem lazy, lethargic, and show no willingness to eat. Other severe effects include a drop in their blood pressure and seizures. Autumn crocus The autumn crocus contains colchicine and other alkaloids, which can be toxic to many animals, including cats. If cats chew on the flower or seeds of this ornamental plant, they can experience vomiting, diarrhea, and drooling.
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Top 3 types of mattresses to relieve back pain

Top 3 types of mattresses to relieve back pain

An extremely soft or firm mattress or one that is worn out can affect sleep quality and make one feel tired the next day. Further, if used for a long period, it can lead to issues with spine alignment and even strain the back muscles. If suffering from back pain, it is important to pick a mattress that helps relieve the ache and provides adequate support to the spine. So here are the best options: Latex Latex is a natural rubber that can be combined with other natural and even synthetic products to create a comfortable and durable mattress. Latex is naturally elastic and buoyant, and in mattresses, it can help support the sleeper’s lower back, weight, shape, and different sleeping positions. It facilitates adequate spine alignment and helps take the pressure off the heavier parts of the body. Latex mattresses bounce back to their original shape pretty quickly, and this factor ensures good support for all sleeping positions, making it ideal for side sleepers, back sleepers, and stomach sleepers. What makes this one of the top mattresses for back pain is that its springy nature enables smoother movement, and sleepers can change their positions without difficulty. The mattress can retain its shape for many years.
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5 foods that help improve lung health
Diets & Meal Plans

5 foods that help improve lung health

Our lungs help us receive oxygen and release carbon dioxide through breathing. The body’s natural defense system protects the lungs from infections, germs, and other pathogens. But you can also improve lung health by making specific lifestyle changes like following an active lifestyle and breathing fresh air. Further, the right nutrition plan is crucial. The following foods have essential nutrients that keep the lungs healthy and lower the risk of diseases: High-fiber foods Inflammation is among the leading causes of lung diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and fiber can help fight inflammation. A molecule in the blood called C-reactive protein (CRP) indicates inflammation in the body. Fiber-rich foods can contain CRP levels and protect the lungs. Fiber can also improve gut health by increasing the production of short-chain fatty acids. Some fiber-rich foods that promote healthy lungs are apples, artichokes, beans, berries, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, peas, cereal, and whole-grain bread. Vitamin C-rich foods Vitamin C is a vital nutrient that protects our cells from oxidative stress. It also has properties that protect the lungs from free radicals. Research shows that people who lack vitamin C may have decreased lung function, which may lead to infections.
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8 effective remedies for nasal polyps

8 effective remedies for nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are tiny tear-shaped growths in the nose and sinuses, usually brought on by asthma, infection, allergies, or other kinds of inflammation. These polyps are usually painless and non-cancerous, however, they can be big enough to cause itchiness, breathing difficulties, sneezing, and running nose. Doctors usually prescribe nasal sprays that can relieve the symptoms and get rid of the polyps. However, one can also try a few natural remedies to deal with the condition: Neti pot (or nasal irrigation) Neti pot is a popular and convenient nasal irrigation device. All one has to do is fill this container with saline solution or add 1–2 tsp salt to distilled water or boiled (and then cooled) tap water. Then, one would have to lean over a washbasin or a sink and tilt their head sideways so that the liquid does not flow back into the mouth. One would have to breathe through the mouth, insert the spout into the upper nostril and allow the fluid to drain from the lower nostril. Then the nostrils will have to be cleaned by blowing the nose to remove mucus and dirt. This process should be repeated through the other nostril. The goal is to loosen and clear the mucus and debris like dust or pollen from the nasal cavity.
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4 foods that are surprisingly bad foods for diabetics

4 foods that are surprisingly bad foods for diabetics

Many foods are portrayed to be the best for diabetics, but it would be surprising to know that even wholesome foods could cause a spike in sugar levels if the portion size is not moderated. Food choices truly matter when a person has diabetes. Under normal circumstances, one would think that these foods aid in better health and maintain sugar levels, but they don’t. Here are four surprisingly bad foods for those with diabetes: Brown rice While brown rice certainly has more fiber than white rice, a single cup of brown rice contains nearly 50 grams of carbohydrates. This can easily be broken into glucose which could spike the sugar levels. The alternative would be to cut down on rice and add more green leafy vegetables. Fresh fruit juice It does not matter if one opts for seasonal juice or those that claim that they have no extra sugar added. If we take an orange as fruit and look at its nutrient content, it has about 15 grams of carbohydrates, vitamins, and fiber. An orange juice, on the contrary, has 45 grams of carbohydrates and less of other nutrients. Therefore, drinking juice is not the same thing as eating fruit.   Dried fruits If one thinks having a raisin is healthier than a chocolate cookie, think again.
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5 headache symptoms to be wary of

5 headache symptoms to be wary of

Headache is one of the most common health conditions, with nearly half of adults experiencing it approximately once a year. Although headaches may not be a cause of concern, it is necessary to be aware of some warning signs, as they may be associated with a serious underlying condition. Some signs can range from mild discomfort to debilitating pain that can make even most daily tasks difficult. Here are the following signs of a headache: Sensitivity to light and sound It is one of the most common alarming signs of headache that can cause a throbbing sensation, usually on one side of the head, when exposed to light or loud sounds. Although it is not life-threatening, it can severely impact daily tasks. It is also one of the most common warning signs experienced by people worldwide. People suffering from migraine also typically experience this symptom. Other factors that can increase the risk of headaches due to sensitivity to light and sound include diabetes, hypertension, obesity, depression, and stressful life events. Hence, it is crucial to follow a healthy lifestyle to keep such health conditions at bay. Temporary vision problems Some people may experience temporary blindness or flashing lights in one eye.
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